CASE Terms

I do hope that my cards give you inspiration to make your own but please don’t take my original artwork and copy it exactly the same for publication in a magazine, contest submission, challenge blogs or for personal monetary gain eg: E-Bay, Etsy etc.

You are NOT permitted to use any of my cards as samples to help sell any of the products that I use on my cards or projects on any website eg: EBay, Etsy, Online Store etc. as this will infringe my Copyright as I am the intellectual owner of said artwork. Use of my cards without my permission will be reported to the website in question for Copyright Infringement so that they can take the appropriate action required by law. If you do not understand the implications of breaching Copyright Law, you would do well to verse yourself of this information to protect your reputation as a Seller/Store Owner/Website owner.

Feel free to CASE (Copy And Share with Everyone) one of my cards for personal use ie: not for competitions, publication or where you would gain financially or otherwise – but please make a couple of simple changes to make the card reflect your own input and personality eg: brads instead of buttons, different papers or border punch etc. and please include a link back here to my original card as a matter of kindness and courtesy. I have a watermark/web address on my cards to help you remember where it came. Feel free to share my cardmaking projects on Pinterest with the appropriate link to that particular post.

All of my photographs are copyright to me and may not be copied, shared, reproduced or modified in any form without consent. Please play fair and don’t harvest any of my images without asking first. Thank you for your understanding.

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